national poetry month 2025


poetry month

National Poetry Month is celebrated every April to recognize poetry's importance in culture. The Academy of American Poets organizes the event in the United States, and the League of Canadian Poets organizes it in Canada. 

How is it celebrated? Reading poetry, Writing poetry, Participating in poetry events, Borrowing poetry books, and Displaying poetry-themed posters and bookmarks. 

Why poetry?

Poetry plays a crucial role in literacy development by enhancing foundational reading skills like phonological awareness through rhyme and rhythm, expanding vocabulary through creative language use, and providing a platform for exploring different aspects of language structure, making reading more engaging and accessible, especially for young learners


magnetic poetry board


Originally the brainchild of a staff member during COVID, the Magnetic Poetry Board is an gigantic version of a magnetic fridge poetry set with over 300 magnetic tiles to allow friends and families to try their hand at rhyming, meter or word play from any generation.

Try out your skills at Elizabethan sonnets, haikus or free verse! Visit the Board at various locations over the Spring and Summer of 2025 to explore literacy and expand imagination!


how we made it…


The Magnetic Poetry Board was designed and built by Tom Baxter Contracting with the support and assistance of Kirby Parkin (Twisted Iron). The portable surface is comprised of two movable panels on a supportive stand. Fully assembled, the Board is 10 feet long and 6 feet high, allowing multiple folks to create simultaneously.

The giant magnetic tiles are the generous work of the Comox Valley School District 71 Print Shop.





Do you have a passion for the poetic arts, or simply enjoy spreading the love of learning in the community? Connect with us to volunteer as a Poetry Player for the Board to help us bring this project into our community.

This role requires a willingness to engage with the public, ability to lift 10 lbs and (hopefully) a love of the written word!

Please be aware that the ideal volunteer will have availability evenings and weekends and be able to complete shifts of up to 4 hours.

host a poetry event!

Offer something unique.

Let the Comox Valley Lifelong Learning Centre enrich your world with word play and poetry.

It is free to host the Poetry Board. It is perfect for places of work, celebration, recreation or learning. This brain game engagement will bring life and laughter to your pub, party, shopping mall or place of learning.

The Magnetic Poetry Board will be brought to you by a Poetry Player from the Lifelong Learning Centre who will over see the installation, play and removal of the board.

what you need

You need some space. The Magnetic Poetry Board is two movable panels on a supportive stand. Assembled the Board is 10 feet long and 6 feet high. To play requires a three sided 6 foot clearance. Reach out to us on Facebook or by email for more information.